Could you officially publish Voidwalkers Isolated as it was in spring 2023. I think it would be a great game at that state. It was ready back then when I read Gaia Publication product page of Isolated compared to the state of the game back then. Thanks!
I understand. You are right. If Gates of Hell would release today, that would have been a better reception I think. Isolated will be much better at release date. I'm sure of that.
As for Gates of Hell, over time, remaning bugs will be fixed when it can be, I'm sure of that. And if Isolated is a success at release, it may offer then a new window of interest for people revisiting SymplGames/Gaia Publication. :-)
For Isolated, I was impressed by the tutorial improvements of the last spring 2023 build. I remember to have said a lot of emphasis on that and you did it a great way!
We agree. I think that is why it is importatnt that we hold off on the release for games like Isolated, Space Farmer, Wastelands and the new Soulhunters/Astora's Darkness games. The negative reviews are personally hurtful and it hurts to know that our users aren't truly enjoying these games like we wanted them to, but forcing these updates out when they aren't ready is just going to make things worse.
While Isolated was "feature complete" at the time you tested, there were a lot of UX releated issues that would make new users turn away from the game. The long term gameplay for all of these projects that you have viewed are lacking as well.
Trust us when we say, what you saw with Isolated was just the tip of the iceberg! Now that we have an idea of what we want to do with these games it's only going to get better! =]
Could you officially publish Voidwalkers Isolated as it was in spring 2023. I think it would be a great game at that state. It was ready back then when I read Gaia Publication product page of Isolated compared to the state of the game back then. Thanks!
I'm Syagrius, a long date follower of SymplGames and Gaia Publications games. I hope to see your new work and latest Gates of Hell fixes.